5 tips against wrinkles
As we get older, our skin also changes. Not only do we get wrinkles, but the skin also becomes duller and duller and sometimes discolours locally. This is a natural process and is part of growing older. You cannot prevent wrinkles, but you can do something to preserve your natural beauty.
Why do you get wrinkles?
Wrinkles are the result of the natural aging process of the skin. The skin has less blood flow. This means less supply of oxygen and less removal of waste products. The skin also retains less moisture and loses its elasticity.
How do wrinkles arise?
The skin consists of fine grooves in a diamond-shaped pattern. This is not visible to the naked eye. On young skin, these grooves have a regular pattern. As you get older, the pattern changes. Some grooves disappear and some grooves become deeper.
In the beginning you will see this as fine lines around and under the eyes. As you get older, the lines become deeper and you will also see them around your mouth and forehead. This is how wrinkles eventually arise.
Preventing wrinkles
Skin aging is a natural process. Everyone gets wrinkles sooner or later. Preventing wrinkles is therefore not possible. Reducing wrinkles and counteracting them naturally is possible. Your lifestyle has an influence and use the right care products.
5 tips against wrinkles
There is no miracle cure for wrinkles. And that is not necessary at all, because growing older is part of life. With these 5 tips, your skin will retain its natural appearance and vitality.
1. Choose food rich in antioxidants
You can partly neutralize the free radicals that accelerate the aging process in our body by choosing the right diet, rich in antioxidants.
Therefore, put foods with these vitamins and minerals on your shopping list:
Carotenoids (beta carotene, lycopene): yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C : fruits and vegetables
Vitamin E : fruit, vegetable oils
Selenium and zinc : meat, fish, whole grain products
Polyphenols (phenolic acids, flavanoids): fruit, vegetables, tea and (to a limited extent) coffee, chocolate, red wine
2. Apply natural skin care
Older skin benefits from mild, natural care with active oils and plant extracts that stimulate cell renewal. Pomegranate seed oil, for example, is rich in potassium, vitamin E, polyphenols and essential fatty acids. These antioxidant properties have an intensely nourishing effect. This strengthens the skin and reduces wrinkles.
3. Take care of wrinkles if you don't have them yet
Learned young is done old. Therefore, adjust your facial care when the first signs of lines appear. This usually starts around the age of 30. Wild Rose Vitalizing Facial Care softens the first lines and improves skin elasticity.
4. Be careful in the sun
Too much sun is not good for the skin. It causes premature skin aging and therefore wrinkles. Avoid full sun and provide adequate protection. Even at a younger age, because your skin 'remembers' sun damage.
5. Live healthy and... enjoy
Healthy living is always good, but also for your skin. It is wise not to smoke and to ensure sufficient exercise and relaxation. Get outdoors and enjoy what you do. Walking, cycling and gardening are ideal.
Bonus tip!
Did you know that Zen monks who meditate daily maintain a full and flawless face? Even later in life? The deep, slow breathing during meditation ensures better oxygen absorption, which also benefits the skin. Maybe meditation is also something for you.